Upcoming Events / Announcements2024-10-15T17:10:28+00:00

Upcoming Events / Announcements

Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast: Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30 am at Bread and Butters in Parker. Please contact the church office with any questions.

Join the PPC Choir

The Choir is on break for the summer.  Stay tuned for fall updates.  Thank you.

Women’s Support Group

The Women’s Support Group meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 3:00 PM at the church.  All women of the church are welcome!  Questions ? Call Bonnie or Dee.

Adult Education

Adult Sunday School opportunities:

Pastor Dave’s last Sunday was April 14, so these classes have been put on hold during the church’s transition.  Stay tuned for future classes being offered after worship in the front of the sanctuary.

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