Programming for Children
Godly Play is provided every Sunday for children ages 3-12 in our Children and Youth room upstairs after the anthem. Godly Play is a unique form of Sunday school that offers children the chance to hear, and see, Bible stories played out with figures and to engage with the stories through crafts and storytelling of their own.

Programming for Youth
Youth that are 6th-12th grade are invited to join us every Sunday from 11am-1:15pm for Youth Group upstairs in our Children and Youth room. We use Echo: The Story, a youth group curriculum from Sparkhouse Publishing, to help guide youth through the Bible, from Creation to Revelations. We also play games, share a meal, and explore the Christian faith through music and conversation.
Confirmation Class
Every year we offer a confirmation class for youth between the ages of 12-18 years old. If you have youth who are interested in participating in our annual confirmation class, please email Cassie Bennett, our Director of Christian Education, for more information!

Special Events
We hold special events throughout the year for our children and youth. Many are all-church events that encourage multi-generational play and worship, but some are specifically geared for certain ages. Please see below for our currently planned events or check out our events page. Check back often to see what’s new!