May 19, 2022
A Note From Pastor Dave
This Sunday we celebrate the contribution of the choir with Music Appreciation Sunday. We also celebrate and mark the closure of Tara Strohm’s years as Providence’s choir director. We invite you to join us for worship and coffee hour as we express our appreciation to the choir and their contribution this year, and to Tara for her many years. I hope you’ll join us this Sunday!
Missions/Church Life: Ways to volunteer at church and in our community:
Collection for the Parker Task Force: Thank you for continuing to support the Parker Task Force! Our last collection brought in over $150 in food paper products and $200 in cash donations. Our next collection for the Task Force is Sunday June 19th, 2022. If you plan to make a gift card or cash donation, please keep it separate from the food donations. Questions? Please contact Steve Heald.
Lasagna Love: Like to cook? The Mission and Church Life Committee needs your help. We are joining with Lasagna Love, a worldwide program for people to provide a meal to someone in need. Could that be you? Call Bonnie if you are interested in sharing a little lasagna love. You can also learn more about this program at
Team Zimbabwe: The 2022 Team Zimbabwe Elephant Rock charity bicycle ride is on Sunday, June 5th. You don’t have to ride in the event on June 5th to participate. You can donate or support a Providence rider at: …or you can write a check: make payable to Providence and mark “ZMP” in the memo line. You can drop the check in the offering plate or mail it to the office. The Zimbabwe Mission Partnership provides food, clothing, medical and educational services to 800 orphans. 99% of donations go straight to the kids. For who we are and what we do, visit: If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dave Mosca.
Use Amazon to support charities. Try Amazon Smile at and Amazon will automatically donate to a charity of your choice. Zimbabwe Mission Partnership is an example. The Amazon pages and prices are exactly the same. So easy!
Invitation to membership: If you are new, or not-so-new, to Providence and are interested in joining the church as a member, please let Pastor Dave know. We will schedule an informal class when there is interest.
Upcoming Events & Announcements:
Tara’s Retirement: Tara Strohm has announced in the last month her intention to retire at the end of this choir season, her last Sunday will be May 22nd. Stay tuned as we make plans to celebrate her years at Providence and to send her on with love and warm wishes.
Rockies Game: Baseball is back and so are the Colorado Rockies & Faith Day 2022. Providence has reserved 20 tickets for the August 14th (Sunday) game at 1:10 pm which will be followed by a Faith Day concert featuring “We the Kingdom”. Tickets are in Section 144 Outfield Box and are $26.00 each which includes the concert. Those that are interested can see or call Neal Witherell to reserve your seats. Payment should be made no later than July 24th.
Women’s Support Group: The Women’s Support Group will NOT be meeting in May. Also, Bonnie and Dee have made a decision to not to have formal meetings during the summer. They hope to have some informal times to get together instead. Please look for more information on those opportunities to connect. Questions? Contact Bonnie or Dee.
PPC Book Club: Our book club will meet Thursday May 19th, 2022 at 2:00 at church and on ZOOM. The book we will be discussing is The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Diane Vaughn.
Adult Education: Providence’s Adult Sunday School class is every Sunday following the church service. The class will start approximately 15 minutes after the church service in the sanctuary. Bring your Bibles and questions with you. Please join us as we always have a great discussion and a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome.
Coffee and Conversation: Coffee and Conversation meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 10am. We connect, reflect on Sunday’s sermon and scriptures with observations and questions, and close in prayer. It is a chance to get to know each other more, grow together, and to linger longer with the scriptures. Come join us!
Maintenance Log: If you see any maintenance issues around the church building, please record them on our maintenance log. You will find it on a clipboard hanging in the kitchen, to the left of the sink.
King Soopers Fundraiser: It’s now easier than ever to support Providence Presbyterian Church! Simply register your King Soopers/City Market loyalty rewards cards. Here’s how to sign up:
- Login to your King Soopers or City Market account (or create an account) at or
- Click on Savings & Rewards, then King Soopers Community Rewards, then Enroll Now.
- Search for Providence Presbyterian Church or enter our organization number YJ207 and click Enroll.
Your King Soopers/City Market loyalty card will be linked to Providence and you’ll be helping us every time you shop! Please feel free to contact the church office if you have any questions.
This week at Providence please keep the following people in your prayers:
Remembering the Homebound: Jim and Judy Nash, Phyllis Christensen, Pat Schwartz, Renee Mastriona, Betty Lutz, Ken Stabler, Bob Hampel, Lois Spangler. Health Concerns: Laurie Schmidt, Donna Hoyt, Paul White, Lea Marot, Harold Higgins, Kay Norden, Judy Nash, Karen Passow & Family, Tamera Zinn. Prayer & Support: Jacqueline Murphy. Prayers for Friends & Family: Patsy Slack, Vanessa Pierce, Cindy Roth, Deanna, Robert McCown, Robert, Connor McGoff. Thank you for your prayers.

Phone: 720-851-6881
MidWeek Update Deadline:
NOON on Tuesday
Hearing Loop is available in our Sanctuary
MidWeek Scripture Reflection
Psalm 67
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us, Selah
2 that your way may be known upon earth,
your saving power among all nations.
3 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you judge the peoples with equity
and guide the nations upon earth. Selah
5 Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase;
God, our God, has blessed us.
7 May God continue to bless us;
let all the ends of the earth revere him.
Acts 3:11-26
11 While he clung to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico called Solomon’s Portico, utterly astonished. 12 When Peter saw it, he addressed the people, “Fellow Israelites, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we had made him walk? 13 The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate, though he had decided to release him. 14 But you rejected the holy and righteous one and asked to have a murderer given to you, 15 and you killed the author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses. 16 And by faith in his name, his name itself has made this man strong, whom you see and know, and the faith that is through Jesus has given him this perfect health in the presence of all of you. 17 “And now, brothers and sisters, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. 18 In this way God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer. 19 Repent, therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, 20 so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that he may send the Messiah appointed for you, that is, Jesus, 21 who must remain in heaven until the time of universal restoration that God announced long ago through his holy prophets. 22 Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you from your own people a prophet like me. You must listen to whatever he tells you. 23 And it will be that everyone who does not listen to that prophet will be utterly rooted out of the people.’ 24 And all the prophets, as many as have spoken, from Samuel and those after him, also predicted these days. 25 You are the descendants of the prophets and of the covenant that God gave to your ancestors, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your descendants all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’ 26 When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you, to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.”