We offer a lending hand to anyone who needs it…but that doesn’t mean we don’t need one ourselves, sometimes!
There are many ways to get involved at Providence. You can volunteer within our church, within our community, and even participate in events that touch people on a global scale. Within our church we have various teams that help our service to run smoothly, community events for all ages, and we support many domestic and international mission organizations. These are just a few of the many ways to get involved:

Get Involved!
- Usher
- Communion Server
- Greeter
- Congregational Dinners
- Pot Luck / Soup Dinners
- Parker Task Force
- Winter Shelter Network
- Step Seven
- Community Garden
- Presbytery Missions
- Zimbabwe Mission P’ship
- Elephant Rock Ride
- International Missionary Sponsorship
- Sponsored Pastor’s Mission trips to Uganda & Rwanda
Volunteer with us!
Just fill out the form below if you have an interest in volunteering and will get back to you ASAP!